Monday, June 23, 2014

Free Will Understand it

         The reason the sons of man can't understand FREE WILL is simple. They have the wrong understanding of what WILL is. They mistakenly have been taught that will is a force like determination. That in turn leads them to the conclusion that FREE WILL is the freedom to choose. Now from this twisted and totally incorrect understanding of WILL that man has he passes the mistake from father to son down the human chain, there is no way to make good sense of FREE WILL from this absolutely incorrect understanding. When you go back and understand as God teaches that WILL is ONLY THE SPOKEN WORD, then free will makes sense. You can say “I can” just as easily as you can say “I can't” your will ( or your ability to speak is totally free). You can even curse yourself to death because your WILL is FREE to speak any way you choose. So you see the wonder of creation is in your free will. Every time you open your mouth you are either helping to bring forth part of heaven or part of hell into the world, or into your own reality. FREE WILL...... understand it forward and backward, understand the curses and the blessings for they both arrive here in the physical world through Human FREE WILL.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I give it to anyone I please


Luke 4:16-19

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
16 Then Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. As usual he went into the synagogue on the day of worship. He stood up to read the lesson.
17 The attendant gave him the book of the prophet Isaiah. He opened it and found the place where it read:
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is with me. He has anointed me to tell the Good News to the poor.
    He has sent me to announce forgiveness to the prisoners of sin and the restoring of sight to the blind,
    to forgive those who have been shattered by sin,
19 to announce the year of the Lord’s favor.”

First and foremost Nazareth NEVER EXISTED during Jesus supposed time period. Jesus could not have been brought up there ! So that immediately marks this as a Religious fable. At that time period Archaeology knows that Nazareth was only a Water Well and two or three farm families and their burial plots, no city, and definitely no  synagogue. Now as we know a Hebrew  synagogue can not be near a cemetery or burial ground. So off we go down the fable trail once again with these (Fable Loving Hebrews ) & the Christians. Now since He is the Lord the first statement in 4:16 makes no sense, obviously the spirit of the Lord, is with the Lord. These Priest and Scribes further show their ignorance by some times referring to Jesus as the Lord, and as the son of man, and other times trying to make God the Lord. Secondly and most importantly, ALL forgiveness of sin comes through (The Spoken Word). Your forgiveness of (let's say sickness), comes with,  and through,  your spoken words that you are healthy and that sickness has no power over you. Through darkness and ignorance you unknowingly placed the sickness in your reality through the spoken word, in idle conversations... And now to remove it you must speak the words of health over yourself repeatedly until your reality changes back to healthy again, brought about by those words. This reported GOOD NEWS to the Poor, is simple another made up Religious fable, Myth and Magic surrounding the Jesus of the Bible. Just more religious bunk and fables to keep the falcon hooded and quieted. Clean your feathers my friend !!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Victim or Responsible you choose


      Since in truth you bless and curse yourself through the Words you Speak out loud, what is left for God to do. Since He is a Spirit, He shall speak to you as thought, Advising, Teaching, Encouraging and Counseling you. This is what He does. He does not directly give you health... you give yourself health through the Good Will you speak over yourself. He does not directly make you prosperous... you make yourself prosperous, or not, by the words you speak over yourself daily. He does not directly keep you from harm.... You keep yourself out of harms way by the words you speak concerning you and harm. What we need is a much clearer understanding of where the division is between what God does, and what we do... or are supposed to do. We are quite guilty of trying to push our assigned work off on God through prayer and considering it the correct thing to do. This was taught to us by the Religious who gives EVERYTHING to God to do in prayer and set on their presumed righteous ass and look pious while whining because God has not answered their prayers quickly. Well He shall never answer the prayer petitioning Him to do your work that is your to do. So a correctly developed sense of responsibility is needed here and giving up the poor innocent victims image is a must. As long as your the victim the solution is out of reach to you. When you become responsible then you can change things. And believe me most of the train wreck in your life you spoke into place while unconscious and unaware in idle conversation. Don't mind me …. I'm just here turning the lights on so you can have a good look around.

Monday, June 2, 2014

monotheistic creation of satan to deal with Good and Evil.


 Polytheism still represents much of the world today. Except for the monotheistic (belief in one God) religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, Here is a good place to mention the messed up scripture that says “Let us make mankind in our image and our Likeness” Gen 1:26. Now this is a leftover statement from the Polytheistic Religious influence that the writers all came from, that is why they used the word our. These Monotheistic Religions needed to bring forth Mal'ak and Mastema because the followers were having trouble grasping the concept that God does the Good and the Evil, so they needed to create a separate entity to do the evil, Mashit, Mal'ak, Mastema, Hassatan all are the agent of obstruction or punishment who preform the evil under God's sanction. This is more acceptable to the mind of man. These are the structured evolution of satan through the First and Second Temple Period. Brought forth and propagated to comfort uneasy believers. Believers never have to this day understood that the Good and Evil is done by (The Spoken Word) = (The Logos)  and you must understand that God has nothing to do with the dispersing of Good or Evil. It is done TOTALLY Through the SPOKEN WORD! They simply cant see the forest for the trees, that is Religions story and they are sticking to it ! Don't let it be your story ! You need to understand Evil and how it functions most thoroughly, understanding how to stop evil from invading your reality involves a complete understanding of how it is arriving there in the first place. Look to SPOKEN WORDS as the cause and the cure,  both yours,  and the words of others about you. Also Keep in MIND that WILL is ETERNAL,  it does not leave when the Body Dies,  the (BLESSED or CURSED) WILL Spoken by that person Lives ON.