Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Lost Dog of Senescence... Don't feed it!

   Well now is my time. I'm of a defiant spirit concerning death,  and not in the spirit of surrender, which is what most people mistakenly do, believing they have NO CHOICE. First mistake we can make is surrendering to sickness..... any sickness, in our youth. The second is to allow senescence to crowd into our reality over time. They are both like lost dogs, being relentlessly called for by humanity. They both pave the way for the final surrender to Death. This was a mistake I made when I decided to taste of old age because I was concerned about having vanity for holding on to my youth. That allowed senescence access through mass WILL to my physical body, I never should have listened to that lying Bastard spirit!
The Pancreas turns over cells every 24 hours, The stomach lining in 3 days, and the entire body in 7 years. So good sense would dictate that there is some other cause for the Death and Dying. Obviously we know what is controlling the cells (our WILLS) . But the rest of humanity shall come to understand as we do. They re-create themselves (the cells) according to the WILLS spoken about them. I have mistakenly allowed senescence to enter my reality and now I must clean up the mess that error has caused. I WILL my life to go on each day, Stating that "Death has no power over me" may times, and live that day while walking in my words from yesterday, allowing me to repel the WILLS of the masses which allow through the years the senescence advance, sickness,  and eventually death itself. After ALL we do Live in a DEATH CULTURE presently here on Earth!!
   When you stand in a WILL which manifests lack you can not receive abundance until that  WILL for
Lack is over come by the WILL for your abundance. In this way abundance is earned .... not simply handed to you as one does candy to a child. YOU EARN IT BY THE WILLS YOU SPEAK. So it is with immortality, it is not handed to you as a gift... your earn it by defeating Death itself hand to hand in the trenches. It has been MOST interesting so far,  I must say. ON WE GO !!!

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Your Body follows your words


     There is a point when you understand that your body this day follows the words you spoke in your past. If you do not like where you find yourself change your Fathering Spirit & there by what you speak.  Words are planted in the Physical world just like seeds. So be prepared to wait a bit for them to mature and come back for you as a REALITY. When the new words are matured your reality shall change to reflect them automatically. If there is something you MUST DO or MUST LEARN, you shall have NO CHOICE but to comply.  Consistent seeding insures a  steady harvest (Affirmations). Make it a way of life.

Comments welcomed:  

MarvI AM 

Know God's Laws ... then use them... Satan does !

             Know God's Laws.... then use them...  Satan does !

 That's one of the keys to success in this creation.  As an interface between two worlds you function exactly as you were created to. You see and hear from the spirit world (as thoughts) and speak aloud into this physical world what you see and hear, there by giving a way to manifest the spiritual proposal into Reality here in the Physical world. The task is to monitor better who can,  and who can't,  use the interface (that's you). That is accomplished by choosing NOT TO SPEAK every last thing you see or hear as we did when we were children. You can not do every thing you see from thought,  nor can you repeat every word you hear from thought. Many thoughts are not suitable for manifestation determined by our own reasoning.  By choosing not to speak for the thoughts we can deny the proposal to manifest here in our Physical World that which we see or hear from the Spiritual World. One nice word encompasses this,  Discernment. 
    Now Discernment only functions well if your traveling companions are complete (Wisdom and Understanding) for they are what you use to evaluate the proposals or thoughts if you please. So many people wonder how this evil came upon them as they suffer from lack in some area of their Physical world. I tell you truly it came through one or more human interfaces via the words they spoke.  There is that time spoken of in the scriptures when Satan is put into chains and can no longer have expression. That is to say we the interfaces refuse to be his oracle any more. Thus the chains of darkness are applied and He walks the Dry side with no expression. Hence no manifestations here in the Physical World either. So as you personally make him walk the Dry side with no expression (with holding your tongue from his use )in your life so must ALL humans come to this understanding and execution in their life.. Then and only then can he be said to be conquered ! Till then continue to taste WELL your words before you cast them out to go forth and alter your Reality.
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Monday, April 7, 2014

The ears to hear

The ears to hear.
I speak on these pages but only to those who have the ears to hear. You'll know if your one of those souls. For reading these words will leave you misty eyed. It's as if you've waited a long time for a Good Long drink of cool water. And here it is. If you seek the TRUTH, then your delight is upon you this day. If you seek conformation of your strong delusion the I'm not your man. These words shall be of no comfort to you my friend. By your WORDS you are Justified and by your WORDS you are Condemned. Your life, your reality and ALL that you are,  hang from that statement. You were designed to be an interface between worlds (Spiritual and Physical). And as that you function excellently. You are advised to watch over your tongue. And that is GOOD advise for from your words physical things are manifested into this Physical World. When you open your mouth and speak the Creator of ALL things (THE WORD / THE LOGOS) is released to go forth and bring into existence in this Physical world EXACTLY what you spoke. Beware of the tongue it can bring you misery, lack and death very quickly. Like a coin (THE SPOKEN WORD) has a head and a tail, or a good side and an evil side. If you indulge in thoughts ( which are really spiritual propositions ) to manifest through the use of your tongue. It is all about getting you to speak so those words may bring that thought from that spirit world (THE QUANTUM FIELD) into this Physical world using your mind as the receiver and your spoken words to get the manifestation accomplished as a Reality. You see the spirit has no voice in this Physical world. That's why they come to you as verbalized thoughts and videos or visions. Some realize the process and call it day dreams. That is when your receiving propositions. Now you are free to speak or not speak. Geee lets call that FREE WILL a catchy term... So should what you see or hear appear to be evil, according to your level of discernment, you may speak for it, or against it, or elect to BE SILENT and take no verbal action a all, there by giving no power over to manifest this event here in the Physical world. There is a continual play for the use of your tongue through your mind with what we call thoughts. Some you speak for, some you just watch but no word is cast out concerning the event. You are a coveted prize for a spirit to possess because you have access to the power of creation (THE SPOKEN WORD) 24-7 and over several decades also. All they have to do is feed you propositions which you believe to be your own thoughts. You speak up like a pinched pigeon and they get to manifest through you and your words, and you have no idea what is really going on. It's a sad picture now isn't it. But hey were here now and you understand more how evil get into your life.. Thought (which is of spirit) then the Spoken word (the link between the worlds) then in the passing of time the manifestation. Now seeing how evil gets there, good arrives by exactly the same path. Thought (which is of spirit) then the Spoken word (the link between the worlds) then in the passing of time (maturity)then the manifestation. Words grow in the physical world just like seeds in the garden. You can not plant today in the garden and harvest next week. The seeds need time to mature, and so do your words. Consider this a good GENERAL start to untangling the man made mess referred to as religion. Guard you tongue for it is the Portal into your world.

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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Description of God

The Christian apologist Aristides wrote a lengthy treatise in the 2nd century AD, about God.....
he wrote:
"I say, then, that God is not born, not made, an ever-abiding nature without beginning and without end, immortal, and perfect. Now when I say that he is "perfect," this means that there is not in him any defect, and he is not in need of anything but all things are in need of him. And when I say that he is "without beginning," this means that everything which has beginning has also an end, and that which has an end may be brought to an end. He has no name, for everything which has a name is kindred to things created. Form he has none, nor yet any union of members; for whatsoever possesses these is kindred to things fashioned. He is neither male nor female. The heavens do not limit him, but the heavens and all things, visible and invisible, receive their bounds from him. Adversary he has none, for there exists not any stronger than he. Wrath and indignation he possesses not, for there is nothing which is able to stand against him. Ignorance and forgetfulness are not in his nature, for he is altogether wisdom and understanding; and in Him stands fast all that exists. He requires not sacrifice and libation, nor even one of things visible; He requires not aught from any, but all living creatures stand in need of him."

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Thursday, April 3, 2014


I awoke this morning and at the very dawn of my consciousness I was in awe and complete admiration of my Father and how he had me Immortally birthed with the Logos in tact.... All I would ever need to provide for me endlessly and perfectly was sent here with me as my constant companion. But Like every good Baker you must be mindful of the oven that does the work for the burn it offers is painful. So it is with The Logos..... used incorrectly it is painful ! Incorrectly would be ILL WILL, Self Sabotage, Self Worth, Self Defilement of any kind.
     So much of our Religions teach us to have Faith and weather the storm, but I tell you the storm is not to be weathered but Commanded, that is the purpose of the storm,   to teach you to set aside the fright and step up and TAKE COMMAND Through your WORDS to BRING IN THE CALM.... for that is your JOB. That is why you have the Logos of God in you. To come upon the out of control and speak order over it. To see before you the threatening and speak that it may become safe. To come upon the ungodly and speak insight and understanding into their path that they shall come upon it in their tomorrows. Look upon them and realize that there but for the Grace of God go I.
And so this day started !!!!
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Man and his Mouth


      Where the mind goes, the mouth follows, We also know, where the mouth goes, the man follows.!  If you do not like where you are at in life, change the mind's thoughts which in turn changes what the mouth speaks and brings the man to a different path in life. It is a simple concept but staying conscious of what you spoke until it matures and manifests is what throws most humans for the loop.
This time period can very from 3 months to many, many years depending upon the conviction it is spoken with, and the number of times it is spoken daily over oneself. A Good Rule of Thumb is: Speak Out Loud in Present Tense (Speaking of things that are NOT as though they ARE) a 100 time a Day for 100 Days (Affirmations).
Speak well over yourself my friend that you may live well in those words when they return to you as a REALITY. 
Comments Welcomed: But realize,  I can see your Fathering Spirit clearly through the words you choose to use..... 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Co-Creator’s Manual

Co-Creator’s Manual
Okay this is a detailed explanation of how to Co-Create with The Father in Heaven referred to as Father from here on.. (the in heaven ) is assumed. The use of the term God may not be specific enough in the ideas and concepts to follow, but the term Father means while under his influence (the spirit be he good or evil  who provides for you).   He causes you to speak chosen word so that those words may manifest as a reality for you to live in. In this way He provides for you your every need. So with that statement the jig is set.
This process is like a dance. The Father leads and makes the first move ( the proposal) This is delivered via an angel it comes in as a thought with associated images. If the proposal is lengthy then you are said to be daydreaming. Gee what a surprise this has been going on all of our life.
Who would have thought !
You view the daydream and make a decision to accept or reject. Sometimes this decision is made incorrectly through reasoning. That is to say you think it over and through reasoning you decide it is beyond your reach, intellectually, physically, monetarily, or spiritually, and you decide no..... I can not do this. End of this proposal it is dead. Short dance one step... A perfectly GOOD proposal from your Father, put to DEATH by REASONING.. next.  
So goes many a wondrous proposal from the Father..... Reasoned to death by man.
Okay so let assume we reason that we just might want to experience this event we just daydreamed. We respond back to the Father a noise ummm..... and He in turn raises an eyebrow ever so slightly awaiting your formed and spoken word. You articulate to you friend (Bob) “You know Bob I think if I “(and you recite exactly what the angel had shown you in the daydream)”. Awww yes now there is a second step taking place in the dance executed by your WILL. Let us assume your not exactly sure how to do what you just confessed from the daydream via the first angel. You and Bob scratch you heads and begin confessing your gonna figure out a way to do what the daydream showed you doing. So now by your words you are justified to do this daydreamed event (because you say you are going to find a way). Now it is the Fathers turn to lead again in the dance, your turn is over and completed for now. Father turns to the (HOW TO Angel) and says GO show him how to do the task for by his words he is justified. He has been confessing with and to Bob that he will do what we showed him in the (first vision or daydream). So off streaks the angel and in a flash of what you think is your own brilliance you perceive exactly how to accomplish this feat. End of Father's turn now your up again. Now you confess exactly to Bob what you just witnessed, the HOW TO , that which you believed was your own thought. Duhhh, how could you think of something you didn't know in less it was brought to you from outside yourself by another. In this case via daydream or vision delivered by the HOW TO angel. Now you see the dance of Co-Creation It's a Five stepper from proposal to manifestation, back and forth between God and Man each with an exact part to play.
#1 Father presents the daydream or vision…
#2 Then you speaking out loud.”I CAN DO THIS” vision that I see....
#3 Father after you justify yourself with the words “I CAN DO” dispatching the HOW TO Angel.
#4 You speaking exactly the HOW TO shown to you by the HOW TO Angel.
#5 Father Manifesting the proposal through His Logos The spoken words from your own mouth.

TA DA as you can see it is going on all the time all through out humanity.
It is simply that the human consciousness is to low to perceive the event and translate it
into a functional understanding.

Comments Welcomed:E-Mail to: Marv Stark

Im Possible

     Impossible is just a big word thrown around by lesser men who find it easier to live in the world they were given than to use their FREE WILL to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion. Impossible is made up of two words I'm Possible. It just depends on how you read it.
Besides; Nothing is impossible to the man who believes”. Now we all have herd that incorrectly translated scripture. The correct translation should be: ”Nothing is impossible to the man who believes unto confession. There is no power in belief but there is power in the spoken word since it set in place, and holds in place, ALL of creation. God made ALL things through The Spoken Word, and we are made in his image, that is to say we function as he functions creating with our spoken words.... not our belief.
So much for Impossible... it is just an opinion.
If the power of life and death are in the tongue, so are ALL the lesser things, sorrow(ILL WILL), happiness(GOOD WILL), sickness(ILL WILL), health(GOOD WILL), poverty(ILL WILL), prosperity(GOOD WILL), and the list goes on and on. I'm sure you get the idea by now. ILL WILL= Forbidden Fruit= Contaminated waters, GOOD WILL= Good Fruit=Living waters. So lets review:
Since you have FREE WILL,  what can't you say... There is nothing you can not say. You may speak words that are inside of Reason (the mortals fence line) or you may speak words beyond reason. Your Choice !! But either way in the passing of time you shall live those words just as you spoke them.
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Imagination or Vision

Imagination or Vision
Not long after I arrived at my present understanding of the spoken word I found myself explaining to God that I was having trouble distinguishing His visions from imaginations. He looked upon me and said I'm sure you can think of a way to make them different so you can tell them apart. I have taught you well and you are creative. Ponder it for a while and I'm sure you can solve the problem. Well I was pleased in His confidence in me and I left pondering just as He suggested. So for the next few day I received ideas from both spiritual sources. Now there proposals to mark or identify the visions took many forms.
For example;
I could see the visions with a blue tint to mark them.
I could have a twitch of my left little finger.
I could have a ringing noise in one of my ears..
Well you get the idea Since nothing is impossible to speak, then nothing is impossible to do. Well I chose the proposal to have the visions become so real it would replace my normal senses... Yep that should do it.... no more possible confusion about that any more. Imagination is never that strong. So now all that was left was to make that a reality and I knew how. Even as I write this account this day I still hear laughter from God's direction.... humm. The next morning I awoke early full of conviction and enthusiasm to solve my problem. I began to speak “that my visions arrive and replace my sight hearing and all my senses making it just as real as if I were there.” over and over I made that WILL day after day a couple of hours each morning. This went on for about 4 months. One day I was helping my neighbor in his business, it was laying new sewer lines in newly built houses in local developments around Denver Co. He had all the equipment and I was just doing the leg work of fetching the tiles and placing them into the trench he had dug with the Backhoe. I was returning back to the flatbed truck for another tile when my vision began to shrink from the outside periphery inward toward the center. After about 5 seconds I just had a pin hole to look through and another scene replaced my sight totally. I was walking down the sidewalk in my vision was about 5 blocks from my house and there was a slight raise in the sidewalk and I leaned forward in the reality I now was in to keep walking and of course I fell over in the reality my body was standing in. Ooops I didn't think of this little problem and of course Lou Who was running the Backhoe stopped the tractor and ran over to me to see if I was ok. He was asking me if I was ok over and over when my hearing came back to the reality my body was in I said yes Lou I'm Ok, just give me a moment. In the next few seconds my sight returned back to the reality that my body was in. It returned in reverse of the way it left starting with a pin hole and then filling out completely to the reality my body is in. Lou came back from the truck with some water and gave it to me and said well lets call it a day we can leave early today. I felt fine, just busy processing what I had just lived through. Many time the reality is different from what we per-conceived it to be when speaking the words. Well needless to say I had to make some adjustments due to this new reality event. I had a few seconds when the visions start and my sight in this reality my body is standing in gets replaced with what ever is happening in the vision. I also learned I could not be standing upright because if I walked up or down hill in the vision I would lean accordingly for the vision and fall over in the reality my body was standing in. Obviously I needed to set down quickly and get ready to be transplanted into a new reality … the reality of the vision. Stay suspended in the vision until it is completed, usually less than a couple of minutes, and then get all my senses back and continue on my way to what ever I was doing before the vision was received. Well in the up coming weeks I got rather good at living the event and looking reasonably normal. I would set quietly where ever I could and wait for the vision to complete and stand up and walk off normally as though I had just stopped to rest for a few minutes. I must say it put and end to any further confusion as to whether it was a vision or imagination. Oh and yes the thought that this might be a clear case of over kill did enter my mind ! Looking back upon it I'm sure God was amused by my choice of solutions or better said changing one minor problem for a new minor problem. But it did identify the visions beyond any further confusion.
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