Monday, October 27, 2014

Aches and Pains and their meaning......

     When you are in your right mind you understand that an ache or a pain is simply and indicator that a particular body part needs some GOOD SPOKEN WORDS over it about how well it works. It is simply a maintenance issue NOT a permanent condition you were meant to endure. The discomfort is meant to call your attention to that area of your body that you may interrupt your day and start speaking words of correction over the condition IMMEDIATELY and REPEATEDLY. This is one of the reasons for aches and physical discomfort in the body. Obviously Pain is there also to stop you from doing something destructive to the body. That is the other reason for pain is to warn you that the action that produced the pain is not advisable. The don't do it any more... that hurts part, humans have figured out, but the ache and speak well over that body part that it may be strengthened and healed, that part still the humans just don't comprehend. The reason of course is that they have NOT mastered the art of SPEAKING OF THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE. This is a very IMPORTANT CONCEPT of Creation to understand thoroughly..... otherwise you are recreating exactly what you all ready have with your words, further fortifying your loss, lack or pain while you verbally recite what you are presently experiencing and not what you wish to experience. It is most important to understand this concept thoroughly.... most humans DON'T !! Do not find yourself among them !