Friday, December 19, 2014

Dreams and their reason for being in your life. Lucid or not....

There are two purposes for dreams.. The first is to allow you to see if a WILL is manifested and functioning well by the response you respond with during the Dream. When the NEW WILL returns fully functional the dream response shall change accordingly.  The second is to propose a change... the second is most commonly known as a day dream or vision as it is some times called.
The first type of Dream:
This dream measures your WILL response to a given event according to your present active WILLS that are now functioning. This is because your conscious mind is suspended and your response has no intellectual component.... just your existing reality of WILLS is Active through your sub-conscious. This type of dream takes place during sleep to keep the conscious mind separate for your response to the contrived event. So what takes place in this type of dream is not of much importance but your RESPONSE is MOST IMPORTANT because it comes from the existing bank of WILLS that are functioning and regulating your REALITY at this time while the intellect is suspended. This is why many dreams are fanciful and unrealistic when remembered,  but realize that ONLY your RESPONSE is what counts, for it comes from the existing and functioning WILLS. The fantastic events projected to bring you to response do not matter, just your response is needed to display the functioning WILLS in your reality. So don't get bogged down in secret mythical meanings they are of no importance. Only your response is of any value...and it is governed by your present functioning WILLS, via the sub-conscious that is what it is being displayed to you.  So Sleep dreaming non lucid dreams are more prolific during changes of governing WILLS via Affirmations  in one's reality.
As new and better WILLS SPOKEN by YOU take affect the Non Lucid Dream responses shall change accordingly to reflect the new WILLS being NOW in power.
The second:
This is a Quantum shopping trip or a peruse through the catalog type of dream most common while awake.... the intellect is not suspended but active. This is to project future ("I HAVE" or "I CAN")  WILLS that are being proposed.... You choose!  Remember what ever you become the oracle for... you shall in time LIVE, just exactly as you spoke it.  So if you do not add to or take away from when you speak the recounting of that Day Dream it shall manifest just as your Fathering Spirit intended it to become into your reality.
PS:  Remember the passing of time is involved here.
Understanding dreams and their TRUE nature is a GOOD SKILL to HAVE.
Marv Stark

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