Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Truth is a straight Line....

        Know you not that your thoughts are not your own. It is me whispering in your ear.
Now the next question is ... Who is ME ?? For how many years did you listen to the darkness pretending to be the light. And day after day the delusion pretending to be understanding. All we really know is that we are (moving and evolving) towards something. Let us hope we have chosen WISELY ( though our WORDS) the target ! For where we say we GO, we GO indeed, with out error. Our WILL is Sovereign and returns to us Fulfilled Exactly as it was cast out! The simpleness of mortal man never seems to attain this connection between spoken word and manifest reality. But you my friend I charge you with more..... and with the understanding that what ever you speak you shall be held accountable for (meaning you shall live it ) ! The Blessing of God is that you are the vessel and you come with a helm and a rudder, Your destiny and your journey you ALONE control. Now that puts REAL meaning into just and fair now doesn't it ! It shall be a sad sight seeing all those souls step before God expecting a badge or a crown for all they have suffered (in His name) only to be shown beyond ALL doubt that it was ALL self-inflicted and God had NOTHING to do with it. It deflates self-worth rather quickly. But alas REALITY has a way of doing that most perfectly. Hold fast to your love of the TRUTH and go graciously where it takes you and leave behind what it will not endorse no matter how important you may think it to be today, for tomorrow shall reveal why it must be left behind. The TRUTH is a straight line.... and what shall not fit on this line or extend this line in it straightness is simply not the TRUTH. There is no right or left... simply a straight line that grows in length but never deviates AT ALL. Take charge of you life and know that what you speak, in the passing of time, you shall live ! Those who are.... shall! Those who are NOT shall NOT !! Creation is fair and Just.... enjoy your journey ! 
Remember you are MORE THAN A CONQUEROR !

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