Monday, April 7, 2014

The ears to hear

The ears to hear.
I speak on these pages but only to those who have the ears to hear. You'll know if your one of those souls. For reading these words will leave you misty eyed. It's as if you've waited a long time for a Good Long drink of cool water. And here it is. If you seek the TRUTH, then your delight is upon you this day. If you seek conformation of your strong delusion the I'm not your man. These words shall be of no comfort to you my friend. By your WORDS you are Justified and by your WORDS you are Condemned. Your life, your reality and ALL that you are,  hang from that statement. You were designed to be an interface between worlds (Spiritual and Physical). And as that you function excellently. You are advised to watch over your tongue. And that is GOOD advise for from your words physical things are manifested into this Physical World. When you open your mouth and speak the Creator of ALL things (THE WORD / THE LOGOS) is released to go forth and bring into existence in this Physical world EXACTLY what you spoke. Beware of the tongue it can bring you misery, lack and death very quickly. Like a coin (THE SPOKEN WORD) has a head and a tail, or a good side and an evil side. If you indulge in thoughts ( which are really spiritual propositions ) to manifest through the use of your tongue. It is all about getting you to speak so those words may bring that thought from that spirit world (THE QUANTUM FIELD) into this Physical world using your mind as the receiver and your spoken words to get the manifestation accomplished as a Reality. You see the spirit has no voice in this Physical world. That's why they come to you as verbalized thoughts and videos or visions. Some realize the process and call it day dreams. That is when your receiving propositions. Now you are free to speak or not speak. Geee lets call that FREE WILL a catchy term... So should what you see or hear appear to be evil, according to your level of discernment, you may speak for it, or against it, or elect to BE SILENT and take no verbal action a all, there by giving no power over to manifest this event here in the Physical world. There is a continual play for the use of your tongue through your mind with what we call thoughts. Some you speak for, some you just watch but no word is cast out concerning the event. You are a coveted prize for a spirit to possess because you have access to the power of creation (THE SPOKEN WORD) 24-7 and over several decades also. All they have to do is feed you propositions which you believe to be your own thoughts. You speak up like a pinched pigeon and they get to manifest through you and your words, and you have no idea what is really going on. It's a sad picture now isn't it. But hey were here now and you understand more how evil get into your life.. Thought (which is of spirit) then the Spoken word (the link between the worlds) then in the passing of time the manifestation. Now seeing how evil gets there, good arrives by exactly the same path. Thought (which is of spirit) then the Spoken word (the link between the worlds) then in the passing of time (maturity)then the manifestation. Words grow in the physical world just like seeds in the garden. You can not plant today in the garden and harvest next week. The seeds need time to mature, and so do your words. Consider this a good GENERAL start to untangling the man made mess referred to as religion. Guard you tongue for it is the Portal into your world.

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