Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Im Possible

     Impossible is just a big word thrown around by lesser men who find it easier to live in the world they were given than to use their FREE WILL to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion. Impossible is made up of two words I'm Possible. It just depends on how you read it.
Besides; Nothing is impossible to the man who believes”. Now we all have herd that incorrectly translated scripture. The correct translation should be: ”Nothing is impossible to the man who believes unto confession. There is no power in belief but there is power in the spoken word since it set in place, and holds in place, ALL of creation. God made ALL things through The Spoken Word, and we are made in his image, that is to say we function as he functions creating with our spoken words.... not our belief.
So much for Impossible... it is just an opinion.
If the power of life and death are in the tongue, so are ALL the lesser things, sorrow(ILL WILL), happiness(GOOD WILL), sickness(ILL WILL), health(GOOD WILL), poverty(ILL WILL), prosperity(GOOD WILL), and the list goes on and on. I'm sure you get the idea by now. ILL WILL= Forbidden Fruit= Contaminated waters, GOOD WILL= Good Fruit=Living waters. So lets review:
Since you have FREE WILL,  what can't you say... There is nothing you can not say. You may speak words that are inside of Reason (the mortals fence line) or you may speak words beyond reason. Your Choice !! But either way in the passing of time you shall live those words just as you spoke them.
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